25 siječanj 2004

Aids drugs - HIV lijek

Danas sam malo tragao za mogucnostima lijecenja HIV- bolesti. Zanimljiv pristup je opisan na ovism stranicama: http://www.armenicum.am/intro/index.html

Izvod iz teksta:

Armenicum is a highly promising drug for treatment of HIV infection and AIDS-associated diseases. It has been tested in animals and has been shown to be safe and effective against wide range of bacterial and viral diseases. It reduces viral load (amount of HIV in the blood), increases CD4 cell count, and greatly improves quality of life.
Armenicum means more benefit with less side effects. It is officially registered in Armenia and allowed for use in humans. Before it is officially approved in any country you may have the possibility to participate in clinical trial of Armenicum being carried out in Armenia.

Radi se o relativno nepoznatom pristupu lijecenja ovdje na zapadu, buduci da je lijek registriran samo u toj, nama dalekoj zemlji.


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