Šalje: QuitSmokingTips [bwprice@quitsmokingsupport.com] Poslano: 4. studeni 2000 2:52 Prima: List Member Predmet: QuitSmokingTips: Volume 2 Number 43 QuitSmokingTips - http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com ==================================================================== QuitSmokingTips - Friday November 3rd,2000 Volume 2 Number 43 http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com support@quitsmokingsupport.com ==================================================================== IN THIS ISSUE: SmokeSaver - A powerful interactive guide to help you quit! Smoking and Your Lungs How To Keep Lungs Healthy ==================================================================== If you feel that the material in this newsletter may be of benefit to anyone that you know please feel free to pass it on! Be sure to visit our AMAZON.com bookstore where you can purchase an excellent selection of quitting smoking books as well as anything else that amazon.com offers such as merchandise, DVD's, CD's.! http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com/amazon.htm Be sure to read "The Ten Top Things People Don't Know About Smoking and Quitting" at: http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com/nicotine.htm ===================================================================== SmokerSaver turns your computer into a virtual therapist. By replacing your screen saver, SmokerSaver drops in on you several times a day, every day ? bite-sized instalments that accumulate into a comprehensive 30-day course. This powerful interactive guide shadows you throughout the day, initially assessing your habit, then advising you, monitoring your progress, supporting and inspiring you, until you reach your ultimate goal of being a non-smoker. Release early November. Visit http://www.SmokerSaver.com to pre-register for the course, and get a $10 discount on the normal price of $38.00 ?no obligation. ===================================================================== Make sure you visit: http://www.quitsmoking.com "The Quit Smoking Company" Excellent Information and Products to Help Smokers Quit ===================================================================== SMOKING and YOUR LUNGS It is never too late to stop ! The longer one smokes, the greater his or her chances are of provoking cancer. Ninety percent of all lung cancers occur in smokers. Smoking multiplies by 10 the risk of lung cancer. Even the occasional smoker increases his risk. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the industrialized world. It is estimated that 2.1 million people around the world will die in 1995 of smoking-related cancers of which 600,000 will be lung cancers. Lung cancer is not the only respiratory problem linked to smoking. The morning cough, due to the phlegm accumulating in the bronchial tubes, is an early warning sign of respiratory disease. It increases the risk of respiratory infection responsible for chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis can evolve over the years into emphysema with shortness of breath for minor efforts (shaving, getting dressed). When the oxygen supply to the lungs and heart has seriously decreased, chronic pulmonary failure may appear leading to death. It should be noted that chewing tobacco does not provoke respiratory problems or lung cancer since there is no smoke inhalation. However, it is responsible for all the other health-related problems linked to tobacco and, in particular, it increases the incidence of cancers of the throat, tongue and mouth. SMOKING and YOUR DIGESTIVE TRACT Smoking also increases the risk of digestive cancers: cancer of the throat, the tongue, the lip (particularly in pipe smokers), the oesophagus, the colon and the pancreas. Associated with chronic alcohol intake, the toxic effect of tobacco is greatly multiplied. Smoking also: increases the risk of gastric ulcers and makes an existing ulcer much harder to treat. alters the taste of food. SMOKING and YOUR SEX APPEAL Smoking remains the most important worldwide cause of male impotency ! It reduces male fertility by reducing the sperm count and the blood levels of the male hormone called testosterone. It accelerates the aging of the skin and the formation of wrinkles in both sexes. It is responsible for the yellowish coloration of the fingers and nails as well as stained teeth, dental cavities and bad breath. It provokes the typical deep throated smoker's voice as well as increased snoring and insomnia. ==================================================================== HOW TO KEEP LUNGS HEALTHY (Information supplied by: Canadian Lung Association) The Lungs And The Respiratory System The respiratory system, including the lungs, brings air into the body. The oxygen in the air travels from the lungs through the bloodstream to the cells in all parts of the body. The cells use the oxygen as fuel and give off carbon dioxide as a waste gas. The waste gas is carried by the bloodstream back to the lungs to be eliminated or exhaled. The lungs accomplish this vital process - called gas exchange - using an automatic and quickly adjusting control system. The Lungs At Work In addition to gas exchange, the lungs and the other parts of the respiratory system have important jobs to do related to breathing. These include: Bringing all air to the proper body temperature Moisturizing the inhaled air for necessary humidity Protecting the body from harmful substances by coughing, sneezing, filtering or swallowing them, or by alerting the body through the sense of smell Defending the lungs with: cilia - microscopic hairs along the air passages phlegm (mucus or sputum) - a moving carpet of phlegm collects dirt and germs inhaled into the lungs and moves them out to be coughed up or swallowed macrophages - scavenger cells in the lungs that literally eat up dirt and germs invading the lungs What Are The Warning Signs of Lung Disease? The most frequent warning signs of lung disease are listed below. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, discuss them with your doctor as soon as possible. Chronic Cough - Any cough that has lasted a month is chronic. This is an important early symptom indicating something is wrong with your breathing system, regardless of your age. Shortness of Breath - Shortness of breath that continues after a brief rest following normal exercise, or comes after little or no exertion, is not normal. Labored or difficult breathing, the feeling that it is hard to draw air into your lungs or breathe it out, is also a warning sign. Chronic Phlegm Production - Phlegm, or sputum, is produced by the lungs as a defense response to infection or irritants. If your phlegm or mucus production has lasted a month, this could indicate an underlying problem. Wheezing - Noisy breathing or wheezing is a sign that something unusual is blocking the airways of your lungs or making the airways too narrow. Coughing Up Blood (Hemoptysis) - If you are coughing up blood, the blood may be coming from your lungs or upper respiratory tract. Whatever the source of the blood, it signals the onset of a health problem. Frequent Chest Colds - If you have more than two colds a year, or if one lasts more than two weeks, you may have an underlying disorder. What Do The Symptoms Mean? Experts agree that your lungs are not healthy if you have any of these symptoms. You must have them checked out by your doctor. If you wait for symptoms to become severe, you have already lost valuable treatment time. Taking care of mild symptoms can actually be to your advantage. Even if you have only one of the symptoms of lung disease - chronic cough, shortness of breath or difficult breathing, phlegm, wheezing, or frequent chest colds - you should see your doctor. Most lung conditions can be helped by treatment and can even be reversed if caught early. ==================================================================== Take care and have a great week! Blair support@quitsmokingsupport.com QuitSmokingSupport.com http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to quitsmokingtips-unsubscribe@listbot.com Start Your Own FREE Email List at http://www.listbot.com/links/joinlb