Date: Jan 02 2000 11:27:33 EST From: QuitSmokingTips Subject: QuitSmokingTips - Volume 2 Number 1 QuitSmokingTips is now into its 2nd year and I want to welcome the 276 new members who have signed up in the past 2 weeks. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year! The following is courtesy of the American Cancer Society: QUITTING SMOKING: Over 40 million people in the United States have made the decision sometime in their lives to quit smoking. According to the US Surgeon General, "Smoking cessation (stopping smoking) represents the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives." WHY IS IT SO HARD TO QUIT? Mark Twain said, "quitting smoking is easy; I've done it a thousand times." Maybe you've tried to quit too. Why is quitting, and staying quit, hard for so many people? The answer is nicotine. Nicotine Nicotine is a drug found naturally in tobacco. It is highly addictive, as addictive as heroin and cocaine. The body becomes physically and psychologically dependent on nicotine, and studies have shown that smokers must overcome both of these to be successful at quitting and staying quit. When smoke is inhaled, nicotine is carried deep into the lungs where it is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and carried to the heart and brain. Nicotine affects many parts of the body, including the heart and blood vessels, the hormonal system, body metabolism, and the brain. Nicotine produces pleasurable feelings that make the smoker want to smoke more and also acts as a depressant by interfering with the flow of information between nerve cells. As the nervous system adapts to nicotine, smokers tend to increase the number of cigarettes they smoke, and hence the amount of nicotine in their blood. After a while, the smoker develops a tolerance to the drug, which leads to an increase in smoking over time. Eventually, the smoker reaches a certain nicotine level and then smokes to maintain this level of nicotine. Nicotine Withdrawal When smokers try to cut back or quit, the absence of nicotine leads to withdrawal. Withdrawal is both physical and psychological. Physically, the body is reacting to the absence of the drug nicotine. Psychologically, the smoker is faced with giving up a habit. Both must be dealt with if quitting is to be successful. Withdrawal symptoms can include any of the following: depression, feelings of frustration and anger, irritability, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, headache, tiredness, and increased appetite. These uncomfortable symptoms lead the smoker to again start smoking cigarettes enough to boost blood levels of nicotine back to the level at which no symptoms occur. If a person has smoked regularly for a few weeks or longer and abruptly stops using tobacco or significantly reduces the amount smoked, withdrawal symptoms will occur, usually within a few hours of the last cigarette and peak about 48 to 72 hours later. Withdrawal symptoms can last for a few days to several weeks. How to cope with withdrawal is covered in the section on how to quit. There are many reasons, however, to face the discomfort of withdrawal and quit smoking for good. WHY QUIT? Your Health Health reasons usually top the list of reasons people give for quitting smoking. Nearly everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer, but few people realize it is also a risk factor for many other kinds of cancer as well, including cancer of the mouth, voice box (larynx), bladder, kidney, pancreas and cervix. Cigarette smoking and cancer are covered in a separate essay. Smoking increases the risk of respiratory diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smokers have twice the risk of dying of heart attacks, as do non-smokers. And smoking is a major risk factor for peripheral vascular disease, a narrowing of the blood vessels that carry blood to the leg and arm muscles. Smoking also causes premature wrinkling of the skin, bad breath, clothes and hair to smell bad, and nails to turn yellow. For women, there are unique risks. Women over 35 who smoke and use "the pill" (oral contraceptives) are in a high-risk group for heart attack, stroke, and blood clots of the legs. They are more likely to have a miscarriage or a lower birth-weight baby. For decades the Surgeon General has reported the health risks associated with smoking. But there are benefits for smokers of all ages. Benefits apply to healthy people and to those who might already have smoking-related diseases. Your reasons for quittting might include some of the following benefits: People who quit smoking live longer than those who continue to smoke. After 15 years off cigarettes, the risk of death for ex-smokers returns to nearly the level of persons who have never smoked. Quitting smoking decreases the risk of lung cancers, heart disease, stroke, chronic lung diseases, and respiratory illnesses. Ex-smokers have fewer health complaints, better self-reported health status, and reduced rates of bronchitis and pneumonia. For women who stop smoking before becoming pregnant or during the first trimester of pregnancy, they reduce their risk of having a low birthweight baby to that of women who have never smoked reduce their risk of miscarriage. Cost: The prospect of better health is a major reason for quitting, but there are others as well. Smoking is expensive. It's not hard to figure out how much you spend on cigarettes: multiply the number of packs you smoke per day (be honest) by the cost per pack. Then multiply by 365 days per year. The number may surprise you. Now multiply that by the number of years you have been smoking and the number will probably astound you. Multiply the cost per year by 10 (for the upcoming ten years of smoking) and ask yourself what you would rather do with that much money. Do you really want to continue burning up your money with nothing to show for it except possible health problems? Social Acceptance Smoking is less socially acceptable now than it was in the past. Most workplaces have some type of smoking restrictions, and some employers prefer to hire non-smokers. Landlords, also, may choose not to rent to smokers. Friends may ask you not to smoke in their houses or in their cars. Public buildings, concerts, even sporting events are largely smoke-free. Like it or not, finding a place to smoke can be a hassle. Health of Others Smoking not only harms your health but the health of those around you. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (also called passive smoking or second hand smoke includes exhaled smoke as well as smoke from burning cigarettes. Studies have shown that environmental tobacco smoke can cause lung cancer in healthy non-smokers. It is also associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and low-birth weight infants. Babies and children raised in a household where there is smoking have more ear infections, colds, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems than children from non-smoking families do. Environmental smoke can also cause eye irritation, headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Setting an Example If you have children, you want to set a good example for them. When asked, nearly all smokers say they don't want their children to smoke, but children whose parents smoke are more likely to start smoking themselves. You can become a good role model for them by quitting now. HOW TO QUIT Smokers often say, "Don't tell me why to quit, tell me how." There is no one right way to quit, but there are some key elements in quitting smoking successfully. These four factors are crucial: Making the decision to quit Setting a quit date and choosing a quit plan Dealing with withdrawal Maintenance or staying quit Making the Decision to Quit The decision to quit smoking is one that only you can make. Others may want you to quit, but the real commitment must come from you. Researchers have looked into how and why people stop smoking. They have some ideas, or models, of how this happens. The Health Belief Model says that you will be more likely to stop smoking if you: believe that you could get a smoking-related disease and this worries you believe that you can make an honest attempt at quitting smoking believe that the benefits of quitting outweigh the benefits of continuing to smoke know of someone who has had health problems as a result of their smoking Do any of these apply to you? The Stages of Change Model identifies the stages that a person goes through in making a change in behavior. Here are the stages as they apply to quitting smoking: Pre-contemplator. This is the smoker who is not thinking seriously about quitting right now. Contemplator. This is the smoker who is actively thinking about quitting but is not quite ready to make a serious attempt yet. This person may say, "Yes, I'm ready to quit, but the stress at work is too much, or I don't want to gain weight, or I'm not sure if I can do it." Preparation. Smokers in the preparation stage seriously intend to quit in the next month and often have tried to quit in the past 12 months. They usually have a plan. Action. This is the first 6 months when the smoker is actively quitting. Maintenance. This is the period of 6 months to five years after quitting when the ex-smoker is aware of the danger of relapse and take steps to avoid it. Where do you fit in this model? If you are thinking about quitting, setting a date and deciding on a plan will move you into the preparation stage, the best place to start. Setting a quit date and deciding on a plan Once you've made a decision to quit, you're ready to pick a quit date. This is a very important step. Pick a specific day within the next month as your Quit Day. Picking a date too far in the future allows you time to rationalize and change your mind. But do give yourself enough time to prepare and come up with a plan. You might choose a date with a special meaning like a birthday or anniversary, or simply pick a date. Circle the date on your calendar. Make a strong, personal commitment to quit on that day. There is no one right way to quit. Most smokers prefer to quit "cold turkey," that is abruptly and totally. They smoke until their Quit Day and then stop all at once, or they may smoke fewer cigarettes for a week or two before their Quit Day. Another way involves cutting down on the number of cigarettes smoked each day. With this method, you gradually reduce the amount of nicotine in your body. You might cut out cigarettes smoked with a cup of coffee, or you might decide to smoke only at certain times of the day. While it sounds logical to cut down in order to quit gradually, in practice this method usually is not effective. Quitting smoking is a lot like losing weight; it takes a strong commitment over a long period of time. Smokers wish there were a magic bullet-- a pill or method that would make quitting painless and easy. But that is not the case. Nicotine substitutes can help reduce withdrawal, but they are most effective when used as part of a stop smoking plan that addresses both the physical and psychological component of quitting smoking. Here are some steps to help you prepare for your Quit Day: Pick the date and mark it on your calendar. Tell friends and family of your quit day. Stock up on sugarless gum, cinnamon sticks, carrot sticks, hard candy. Decide on a plan. Will you use nicotine replacement therapy (the patch or gum)? Will you attend a smoking cessation class? If so, sign up now. Practice saying, "No thank you, I don't smoke." Set up a support system. This could be a group class, Nicotine Anonymous, or a friend who has successfully quit and is willing to help you. Successful quitting is a matter of planning and commitment, not luck. Decide now on your own plan. Some possibilities include using the nicotine patch or gum, joining a stop smoking class, going to Nicotine Anonymous meetings, or using self-help materials such as books and pamphlets. Your plan should include one or more of these options. On your Quit Day, follow these suggestions: Do not smoke Get rid of all cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays, etc. Keep active -- try walking, exercising, or doing other activities or hobbies Drink lots of water and juices Begin using the patch or gum if that is your choice Attend stop smoking class or follow a self-help plan Avoid high-risk situations where the urge to smoke is strong Reduce or avoid alcohol Use the four "A's" (avoid, alter, alternatives, activities) to deal with tough situations (described in more detail later) Dealing With Withdrawal Withdrawal from nicotine has two parts, the physical and the psychological. The physical symptoms, while annoying, are not life threatening. Nicotine replacement (the patch or gum) can help reduce many of these physical symptoms. But most smokers find that the bigger challenge is the psychological part of quitting. If you have been smoking for any length of time, smoking has become linked with nearly everything you do -- waking up in the morning, eating, reading, watching TV, drinking coffee, etc. It will take time to "un-link" smoking from these activities. That is why, even if you are using the patch or gum, you may still have strong urges to smoke. One way to overcome these urges or cravings is to identify rationalizations as they come up. A rationalization is a mistaken belief that seems to make sense at the time but is not based on facts. If you have tried to quit before, you will probably recognize many of these common rationalizations. I'll just have one to get through this rough spot . (Does a smoker ever stop with just one?) Today is not a good day; I'll quit tomorrow. (We've heard that one before.) It's my only vice. How bad is smoking, really? Uncle Harry smoked all his life and he lived to be over 90. Air pollution is probably just as bad. You've got to die of something. Life is no fun without smoking. You probably can add more to the list. As you go through the first few days without smoking, write down any rationalizations as they come up and recognize them for what they are: messages that can trap you into going back to smoking. Use the ideas below to help you keep your commitment to quitting. Avoid. People and places where you are tempted to smoke. Later on you will be able to handle these with more confidence. Alter. For example, switch to soft drinks or water instead of alcohol or coffee. Take a different route to work; take a brisk walk instead of a coffee break. Alternatives: Use oral substitutions such as sugarless gum or hard candy, raw vegetables such as carrot sticks, or sunflower seeds. Activities. Exercise or hobbies that keep your hands busy (needlework, woodworking, etc.) can help distract you from the urge to smoke. Deep breathing and delay are two other useful tactics. When you were smoking, you breathed deeply as you inhaled the smoke. When the urge strikes now, breathe deeply and picture your lungs filling with fresh, clean air. Remind yourself of your reasons for quitting and the benefits you'll gain as an ex-smoker. If you feel that you are about to light up, delay. Tell yourself you must wait at least 10 minutes. Often this simple trick will allow you to move beyond the acute urge to smoke. What you're doing is not easy, so you deserve a reward. Put the money you would have spent on tobacco in a jar every day and then buy yourself a weekly treat. Buy a magazine, go out to eat, call a friend long-distance. Or save the money for a major purchase. You can also reward yourself in ways that don't cost money: take time out to read, work on a hobby, or take a relaxing bath. Staying Quit (Maintenance) Remember the quotation by Mark Twain? Maybe you, too, have quit many times before. So you know that staying quit is the final, and most important, stage of the process. You can use the same methods to stay quit as you did to help you through withdrawal. Think ahead to those times when you may be tempted to smoke and plan on how you will use alternatives and activities to cope with these situations. More dangerous, perhaps, are the unexpected strong desires to smoke that occur, sometimes months (or even years) after you've quit. To get through these without relapse, try the following: First, review your reasons for quitting and think of all the benefits to your health, your finances and your family. Second, remind yourself that there is no such thing as just one cigarette -- or even one puff. Ride out the desire to smoke. It will go away, but do not fool yourself into thinking you can have just one. What if you do smoke? The difference between a slip and a relapse is within your control. You can use the slip as an excuse to go back to smoking, or you can look at what went wrong and renew your commitment to staying off smoking for good. When smokers quit - the benefits over time 20 minutes after quitting: blood pressure drops to a level close to that before the last cigarette. Temperature of hands and feet increases to normal. 8 hours after quitting: carbon monoxide level in the blood drops to normal. 24 hours after quitting: chance of heart attack decreases. 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting: circulation improves; lung function increases up to 30%. 1 to 9 months after quitting: coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease; cilia regain normal function in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce infection. 1 year after quitting: excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker's. 5 years after quitting: stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5-15 years after quitting. 10 years after quitting: lung cancer death rate about half that of a continuing smoker's; risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decrease. 15 years after quitting: risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker's. QUESTIONS ABOUT SMOKING AND HEALTH Is there a safe way to smoke? No. All cigarettes can cause damage to the human body and even a small amount is dangerous. Cigarettes are perhaps the only legal product whose advertised and intended use smoking is harmful to the body and is a proven cause of cancer. Although some people try to make their smoking habit safer by smoking fewer cigarettes, most smokers find that difficult. Some people think that switching from high tar and nicotine cigarettes to those with low tar and nicotine content makes smoking safer, but this is not always true. When people switch to lower tar and nicotine brands, they often smoke more cigarettes or more of each cigarette to get the same nicotine dose as before. A low-tar cigarette can be just as harmful as a high-tar cigarette when a person takes deeper puffs, puffs more frequently, or smokes cigarettes to a lower butt length. Even if smokers who switch to lower tar brands do not make these changes to compensate, the health benefits are insignificant when compared to the benefits of quitting completely. Is cigarette smoking really addictive? Yes. The nicotine in cigarette smoke is what causes an addiction to smoking. Nicotine is a drug which is addicting just like heroin and cocaine for three main reasons. First, when taken in small amounts, nicotine produces pleasurable feelings that make the smoker want to smoke more. Second, smokers usually become dependent on nicotine and suffer both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when they stop smoking. These symptoms include nervousness, headaches, irritability, and difficulty in sleeping. Third, because nicotine affects the chemistry of the brain and central nervous system, it can affect the mood and temperament of the smoker. Who is most likely to become addicted? Anyone who starts smoking is at risk of becoming addicted to nicotine. Studies show that among addictive behaviors such as the use of alcohol and other drugs, cigarette smoking is most likely to become an established habit during adolescence. Therefore, when young people become cigarette smokers they are more likely to become addicted and more likely to suffer from the variety of health problems caused by cigarette smoking. What does nicotine do? Nicotine is a poison and taken in large doses could kill a person by paralyzing breathing muscles. Smokers usually take it in small amounts that the body can quickly break down and get rid of, which is why the nicotine does not kill instantly. The first dose of nicotine causes a person to feel awake and alert, while later doses result in a calm, relaxed feeling. Nicotine can make new smokers, and regular smokers who get too much of it, feel dizzy or nauseous. The resting heart rate for young smokers increases 2 to 3 beats per minute. It also lowers skin temperature and reduces blood flow in the legs and feet. Evidence shows that nicotine plays an important role in increasing smokers' risk of heart disease and stroke. Does smoking cause cancer? Yes. Tobacco smoke contains at least 43 carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances. Smoking causes many kinds of cancer, not just lung cancer. Tobacco use accounts for 30%, or one in three, of all cancer deaths in the United States. Smoking is responsible for almost 90% of lung cancers among men and more than 70% among women, about 83% overall. Cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, bladder, pancreas, and uterine cervix also have in common cigarette smoking as a major cause. How does cigarette smoke affect the lungs? Cigarette smoking causes several lung diseases that can be just as dangerous as lung cancer. Chronic bronchitis - a disease where the airways produce excess mucus, which forces the smoker to cough frequently - is a common ailment for smokers. Cigarette smoking is also the major cause of emphysema - a disease that slowly destroys a person's ability to breathe. In order for oxygen to reach the blood, it must move across large surfaces in the lungs. Normally, thousands of tiny sacs make up about 100 square yards of surface area in the lungs. When emphysema occurs, the walls between the sacs break down and create larger but fewer sacs, significantly decreasing the amount of oxygen reaching the blood. Eventually, the lung surface area can become so small that a person with emphysema has to spend most of the time gasping for breath, with an oxygen bottle near by or with oxygen tubes inserted into the nasal cavity. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, kills about 81,000 people each year; cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 65,000 of these deaths. What in cigarette smoke is harmful? Cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds generated by the combustion (burning) of tobacco and additives. Cigarette smoke contains tar, which is made up of over 4,000 chemicals, including the 43 known to cause cancer. Some of these substances cause heart and respiratory diseases, all of which are disabling and can cause death. You might be surprised to know some of the chemicals found in cigarette smoke. They include: cyanide, benzene, formaldehyde, methanol (wood alcohol), acetylene (the fuel used in torches), and ammonia. It also contains the poisonous gases nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide. Its main active ingredient is nicotine, an addictive drug. Does cigarette smoking affect the heart? Yes. Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of heart disease, which is America's number one killer. Almost 180,000 Americans die each year from cardiovascular disease caused by smoking. Smoking, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and lack of exercise are all risk factors for heart disease, but smoking alone doubles the risk of heart disease. Also, for smokers and non-smokers who have had a heart attack, smokers are more likely to have another. How does smoking affect pregnant women and their babies? Pregnant women who smoke endanger the health and lives of their unborn babies. Babies of smoking women average 6 ounces less at birth than babies of nonsmoking women. When a pregnant woman smokes, she really is smoking for two because the nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other dangerous chemicals in smoke enter her bloodstream and pass directly into the baby's body. Statistics show a direct relation between smoking during pregnancy and spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, death among newborns, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Research shows that the risk of SIDS triples for babies of mothers who smoke during pregnancy; two-thirds of SIDS deaths among babies of women who smoked during pregnancy can be attributed to smoking. What are some of the short- and long-term effects of smoking cigarettes? Smoking causes cancer, which may not develop for years. Regardless of how many smokers are lucky enough to escape cancer, the truth is inescapable: cigarette smokers die younger than nonsmokers. In fact, smoking decreases a person's life expectancy by 10 - 12 years. Smokers between the ages of 35 and 70 have death rates three times higher than those who have never smoked. There are many more short-term effects of smoking. A major consequence of smoking is decreased lung function which is why smokers often suffer from shortness of breath, nagging coughing, or tiring easily during strenuous physical activity. Smoking also diminishes the ability to smell and taste and causes premature aging of skin. What are the dangers of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)? ETS, also known as passive smoking, occurs when nonsmokers inhale the tobacco smoke of others. This includes mainstream smoke, smoke that is drawn through the mouthpiece of a cigarette that is then exhaled into the air by smokers, and side stream smoke, the smoke that comes from the burning tobacco in cigarettes. ETS contains the same harmful chemicals as the smoke that smokers inhale. In fact, because side stream smoke is formed at lower temperatures, it gives off even larger amounts of cancer-causing substances. ETS causes lung cancer in healthy nonsmokers. A nonsmoker who is married to a smoker has a 30% greater risk of developing lung cancer than a nonsmoker living with a nonsmoker. Children whose parents smoke are more likely to suffer from pneumonia or bronchitis in the first two years of life than children who live in smoke-free households. Several studies have also established a link between parental smoking and the occurrence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Children of parents who smoke have a twofold increased risk of dying of SIDS. ETS can also affect nonsmokers by causing eye irritation, headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Is smoking common among young people? Yes. Tobacco use, including smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and dipping snuff, remains common among American youth. Each day, approximately 6,000 young persons try a cigarette and approximately 3,000 become daily smokers. If current patterns of smoking behavior persist, an estimated 5 million US persons who were aged 0-17 years in 1995 could die prematurely from smoking-related illnesses. These projected patterns of smoking and smoking-related deaths could result in an estimated $200 billion (in 1993 dollars) in future health-care costs and approximately 64 million years of potential life lost. Overall, about one-third of adolescents in the United States smoke or use smokeless tobacco. The highest rate of smokeless tobacco use is found among white young adults, and the lowest rate among young adult African Americans. Twenty percent of male high-school students between the ages of 12 and 17 have used some form of smokeless tobacco. Statistics also show that students who use other drugs, get in fights, carry weapons, attempt suicide, and engage in high-risk sexual behaviors are more likely to smoke. What are the chances that smoking will kill you? Three million people die worldwide each year as a result of smoking. In the United States, tobacco use is responsible for nearly one in five deaths, killing more than 400,000 Americans each year. This is more than the number of people who would die every year if three jumbo jets crashed each day with no survivors. Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death in our society. Statistically, smokers die 10 - 12 years younger than non-smokers. How many people smoke cigarettes? In 1965, more than 42% of adults 18 years of age and older smoked cigarettes. In 1995, 24.7% of adults--about 47 million people smoked cigarettes. Approximately 28% of men and 23% of women are smokers. Blacks smoke about the same as whites, 26% and 25%, respectively. Education level seems to affect smoking rates as shown by a consistent decrease in the smoking rate in groups with a higher level of education. Why do people begin to smoke? Most people begin smoking between the ages of 10 and 18. Peer pressure and curiosity are the major influences that encourage them to experiment with smoking. Also, people with parents who smoke are more likely to begin smoking than those who have nonsmoking parents. Those who begin to smoke at a younger age are more likely than late starters to develop long-term nicotine addiction. Another prevalent influence in our society is the tobacco industry's advertisements for its products. The tobacco industry spends nearly $6 billion annually to develop and market ads that depict smoking as an exciting, glamorous, healthy adult activity. Can quitting really help a lifelong smoker? Yes. It is never too late to quit. The sooner smokers quit, the more they can reduce their chances of getting cancer and other diseases. Within 20 minutes of smoking the last cigarette, the body begins a series of regenerating changes. After 20 minutes, blood pressure drops to normal. After 8 hours, the carbon monoxide level in the blood drops to normal. After 24 hours, the chance of heart attack decreases. After one year, the risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker. In 1 to 9 months, coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease and cilia regrow in the lungs. After 10 years, the lung cancer death rate decreases by almost half. After 15 years, the risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker. It is important to note that the extent to which these risks fall depends on the total amount the person smoked, the age the person started smoking, and the amount of inhalation. If you smoke but don't inhale, is there any danger? Yes. Wherever smoke touches living cells, it does harm. Even if smokers don't inhale - including pipe and cigar smokers - they are at an increased risk for lip, mouth, and tongue cancers. Because it is virtually impossible to avoid inhaling smoke totally, these smokers are also increasing their risk of getting lung cancer. Suppose I smoke for a while and then quit? Smoking begins to cause damage right away and is highly addictive. Several studies have found nicotine to be as addictive as heroin, cocaine, or alcohol; it is the most common form of drug addiction in the United States. Therefore, it is obviously better never to start smoking cigarettes and become addicted to nicotine than it is to smoke with the intention of quitting later. And like alcohol, heroin, and cocaine, nicotine creates a permanent tolerance in the body. When an ex-smoker smokes a cigarette, even years after quitting, the nicotine reaction may be triggered, quickly hooking the person on the old habit. How do people successfully quit? Each year about 17 million people try to quit for at least a day during the American Cancer Society's Great American Smoke out. Of these quitters, more than 4 million still aren't smoking after three months. About 90% of those who have tried to quit have done so on their own by either stopping "cold turkey" or using other methods. Cigarette smoking in adults dropped from 42% in 1965 to 25% in 1995. There is no one right way to quit. Successful cessation may include one or a combination of methods including using step-by-step manuals, attending self- help classes or counseling, or using a nicotine replacement therapy (nicotine patch or nicotine gum). Anything that is legal, ethical, and effective is worth trying; this could include chewing sugarless gum, eating carrot sticks, hiding ashtrays, taking long walks, asking others not to smoke around you, and spending time in places where smoking is prohibited. According to the Surgeon General, decisions to quit or not to start in 1985 will have postponed or prevented an additional 2 million smoking-related deaths between 1986 and the year 2000. What is nicotine replacement therapy? Nicotine replacement therapies are medications that provide nicotine without the other harmful components of cigarette smoke. To be most effective, nicotine replacement therapy should be used with a cessation program that addresses a person's psychological dependence on smoking. By chewing gum containing nicotine or wearing a transdermal patch from which the skin absorbs nicotine, a smoker's withdrawal symptoms are significantly decreased or eliminated. Not everyone can use nicotine replacement therapy. People with certain medical conditions and pregnant women should not use it. When using the patch, it is very important that users do not smoke cigarettes or use tobacco in any form. Why do smokers have "smoker's cough"? Cigarette smoke contains chemicals that irritate the air passages and lungs. When a smoker inhales these substances, the body tries to protect itself by coughing. The well-known "early morning" cough of smokers happens for a different reason. Normally, cilia (tiny hairlike formations lining the airways) beat outward and sweep harmful material out of the lungs. Cigarette smoke, however, decreases the sweeping action, so some of the poisons in the smoke remain in the lungs. When a smoker sleeps, some cilia recover and begin working again. After waking up, the smoker coughs because the lungs are trying to clear away the poisons that built up the previous day. Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to smoke completely destroys the cilia's ability to function. Then the smoker's lungs are even more exposed and susceptible than before, especially to bacteria and viruses in the air. Are chewing tobacco and snuff safe alternatives to cigarette smoking? No. Smokeless tobacco contains nicotine, the same addictive drug found in cigarettes. Snuff dippers consume on average more than 10 times the amount of cancer-causing substances (nitrosamines) than cigarette smokers. In fact, some brands of smokeless tobacco contain as much as 20,000 times the legal limit of nitrosamines permitted in certain foods and consumer products, such as beer, bacon, and baby bottle nipples. The juice from the smokeless tobacco is absorbed directly through the lining of the mouth. This creates sores and white patches which often lead to cancer of the mouth. Smokeless tobacco users greatly increase their risk of other cancers including gum, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. Other consequences of smokeless tobacco use include halitosis (chronic bad breath), discoloration of teeth and fillings, gum disease, and tooth loss. Since nearly 25% of adult smokeless tobacco users also smoke cigarettes, their risks of developing cancer is higher. What are the health risks of smoking pipes or cigars? Smoking cigars or pipes alone is not a healthy alternative to smoking cigarettes. The risk for lung cancer is higher among smokers who smoke cigarettes and cigars or pipes, and for smokers who switch to cigars or pipes after years of cigarette smoking. Overall cancer deaths among men who smoke cigars are 34% higher than among nonsmokers. Cigars and pipes also release ETS, which is harmful to anyone who breathes it. What is being done to protect people from the hazards of smoking? Both the public and private sectors have taken action to help decrease the number of smoking-related deaths and illnesses in this country. Since 1966, Surgeon General's health warnings have been required on all cigarette packages and, since 1987, on all smokeless tobacco products. Congress banned television and radio advertising of cigarettes in 1971 and of smokeless tobacco products in 1987. Today, laws in 49 states and the District of Columbia restrict or prohibit smoking in public places. Many federal work sites, including the White House, are smoke-free. In addition, Congress has banned smoking on all domestic airplane flights of six hours or less. Forty-nine states and the District of Columbia have passed laws prohibiting the sale and distribution of tobacco products to children under the age of 18 (Virginia restrictions apply only to the sale of tobacco products). But many (if not most) of these are ineffective because of the difficulties in enforcing these laws. Public opinion for the restriction of tobacco use is also evident in new cigarette tax legislation around the country. How does tobacco use affect the economy? The tobacco industry is one of the most profitable businesses in the country; in 1991 tobacco manufacturers' revenue was $32 billion. Nevertheless, the costs of smoking are far higher than the income from cigarette sales. Health care costs caused directly by smoking total more than $50 billion each year. Lost economic productivity caused by smoking also costs the US economy more than $50 billion each year. This totals more than $100 billion lost each year to health care costs and lost productivity due to smoking. Of course these numbers represent only the financial costs. No statistic can express the devastation of pain and suffering caused by cigarette smoking. ARE MENTHOL CIGARETTES SAFER THAN OTHER BRANDS? Menthol cigarettes are not safer than other brands and may even be more dangerous. About 28% of all cigarettes sold in the United States are menthol. About 76% of African American cigarette smokers smoke menthol cigarettes as compared to 23% of whites. These brands contain enough menthol to produce a cool sensation in the throat when smoke is inhaled. People who smoke menthol cigarettes can inhale more deeply or hold the smoke inside longer than smokers of non-menthol cigarettes. This may explain why African Americans, who statistically smoke fewer cigarettes a day (but more menthol cigarettes), are more likely than whites to die from smoking-related diseases like lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. WHERE CAN I GO FOR ADDITIONAL HELP? It is hard to fight any addiction, and smoking is no different. But you can quit! More than 40 million Americans have successfully quit smoking. Call the human resources office where you work; many companies have information about employee cessation programs. A variety of organizations offer information on how to quit and where to go for help. If you want to quit smoking and need help, talk with your health care provider and contact one of the following organizations. They can provide you with current information, advice, and suggestions for beginning the end of your tobacco use. American Cancer Society Telephone: 1-800-ACS-2345 Internet: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Internet Address: American Academy of Medical Acupuncture Telephone: 800-521-2262 (Patient Referral Line) American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists Telephone: 202-638-5577 Internet Address: American Heart Association Telephone Number: 800-242-1793 (call center) or 800-242-1793 or 214-373-6300 (administrative offices) Internet Address: American Lung Association Telephone: (800) 586-4872 or 212-315-8700 Internet Address: National Cancer Institute Cancer Information Service Telephone: 800-4-CANCER or 800-422-6237 Internet Address: National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC) Telephone: 800-994-WOMAN or 800-994-9662 Internet Address: Nicotine Anonymous Telephone: 415-750-0328 Internet Address: Office on Smoking & Health National Center for Disease Prevention and Health Telephone: 770-448-5705 Internet Address: Tobacco-Free America Legislative Clearinghouse Telephone: 202-452-1184 REFERENCES Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fiore MC, Smith SS, Jorenby DE, Baker TB. The effectiveness of the nicotine patch for smoking cessation. A meta-analysis. Journal American Medical Association. 1995; Jan 18: 273 (3): 181. Hurt RD, Sachs DPL, Glover ED et al. A comparison of sustained-release bupropion and placebo for smoking cessation, New England Journal of Medicine, October 23, 1997; 337: 17. Nicotine Nasal Spray Aims to Halt Smoking. New York Times, March 26, 1996, C7. Stapleton JA, Russell MA, Feyerabend C. et al. Dose effects and predictors of outcome in a randomized trial of transdermal nicotine patches in general practice. Addiction, Jan. 1995; 90 (1): 31-42. The Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. DDHS Publication No. (CDC) 90-8416, 1990. Glantz, Stanton. Tobacco Biology and Politics, Health Edco, 1994, 8-11. Tonnesen P, Norregaard J, Simonsen K, Sawe U. A double-blind trial of a 16-hour transdermal nicotine patch in smoking cessation. New England Journal of Medicine. August 1, 1991; 325: 5: 311-315. Tonnesen P et al. Two and four mg nicotine chewing gum and group counseling in smoking cessation: an open, randomized, controlled trial with a 22 month follow-up. Addictive Behaviors. 1988; 13 (1): 17-27. Transdermal Nicotine Study Group. Transdermal nicotine for smoking cessation. Six-month results from two multicenter controlled clinical trials. Journal American Medical Association. Dec 11, 1991; 266 (22): 3133-3138. US Dept of Health & Human Services. Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking: 25 years of Progress. A Report of the Surgeon General. USD HHS, PHS-CDCP, CCD PHP Office of Smoking & Health. DHHS Publ # (CDC) 89-8411 1989. US Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking: Nicotine Addiction: A Report of the Surgeon General, US DHHS, PHS, CDC. Office on Smoking and Health. DHHS Publ# (CDC) 88-8406. REVISED 8/21/99