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Radovi u časopisu


Prikazana je dijagnostika, terapija te razvoj suvremenih shvaćanja infantilnog autizma, s posebnim osvrtom na metabolička i neurološka oštećenja koja su zapažena u bolesnika. Obrađeno je 29 ispitanika sa verificiranom dijagnozom autizma, u dobi od 7 do 22 godine. Prikupljena je medicinska dokumentacija, te dodatno izvedena i reoencefalografska obrada i analiza u 12 ispitanika. U 8 ispitanika su na funkcionalnim testovima nađene cirkulacijske smetnje. Za potrebe istraživanja razvijena je posebna metodologija i instrumentarij za mjerenje lateralne pasivne rotacije glave i vrata. Normiranje instrumentarija izvedeno je na prigodnom uzorku od 224 školske djece i omladine u dobi od 6 do 17 godina. Normalna pasivna lateralna pokretljivost glave i vrata, mjereno ovom metodologijom na uzorku školske djece i omladine, je 90 stupnjeva ili više, a smanjene vrijednosti nađene su u 11% ispitanika. Dio ispitanika sa smanjenim vrijednostima u anamnezi imalo je traumu glave, vrata ili ključne kosti. U skupini ispitivane djece i omladine s potvrđenim autizmom nađene su statistički značajno niže vrijednosti, i to od ukupno 29 ispitanika u lijevo u 27, a u desno u 21 ispitanika. Prosječna vrijednost za ljevostranu lateralnu pasivnu rotaciju je 75 stupnjeva, a za desnostranu 80 stupnjeva. Ljevostrana pasivna rotacija glave i vrata je statistički značajno (p<0.001) manja nego desnostrana u ispitanika s potvrđenim autizmom.

Ključne riječi: autizam, cervikocefalni problemi


Cervicocephalic problems in infantile autism

The Diagnosis, treatment and development of modern concepts of infantile autism are described, with special reference to metabolic and neurological impairments observed in the patients. Twenty-nine subjects with a verified diagnosis of autism aged 7 to 22, were studied. Medical records were collected, and additional reoencephalographic work-up and analysis were performet in l2 subjects. In 8 cases, functional testing revealed circulatory disorders. A special methodology and instruments for the measurement of a lateral passive rotation of the head and neck were developed for the study. Standardization of the instruments was performed in a casual sample of 224 school children and adolescents aged 6 to 17. Normal passive lateral mobility of the head and neck, measured by this methodology in a sample of school children and adolescence was 90 degrees and higher, and decreased figures were found in 11 per cent of the subjects. Some subjects with decreased figures in the history suffered from head, neck and clavicular injuries. Statistically significant lower figures were found in a group of the children and adolescents with a verified autism: left-sided in 27, and right-sided lateral passive rotation in 21 of 29 subjects. The mean left-sided and right sided lateral passive rotation was 75 degrees amd 80 degrees, respectively. The left-sided passive rotation of the head and neck is statistically significantly lower (p<0.001) than the right-sided passive rotation in the subjects with verified autism.

Key words: autism, infantile/complications, cervicocephal problems